The Best Ways to Support your Employees Post-Pandemic

The pandemic is thankfully coming to an end but one thing is for sure, even if it is not ending as we expected but “life” is returning. Once empty malls and plazas are open once again welcoming people wholeheartedly. 

Nothing is the same anymore our lives have been turned topsy turvy. From our daily routine to our social events everything has changed. In order for us to survive the best thing we can do is to manage our lives accordingly, we cannot go back and keep doing what we were doing. Since the pandemic, our lives have changed and we are changing with it. 

So after the pandemic, there are things that we need to do to stay ahead of the curve. Also, we need to understand the fact that the responsibility falls on the shoulder of the offices and organization to make their employees feel welcomed at their workplaces. There are a few steps that an organization can take to help their employees settle in nicely


Take the foot off the gas

Employees coming back to work from their remote offices need to be treated with care, you cannot make them dive directly into work. They are coming back from a very different time and it will take time for them to settle into an office, get used to the routine and people. It is a tedious process but after a week or two, they will all feel comfortable. Take the foot off the gas for your employees and give them time to understand the scenario. 


Maintain social distancing 

Letting everyone back to the office with no S.O.P’s is an issue that will create havoc as they will not be used to crowds. The thing about social distancing is that it will not only clear any doubts regarding the dangers of infection but inculcate a social responsibility into the masses. It is important to keep the SOP’s intact for future references. 


Organize team activities

Coming back after such a  long time the teams forget if they have gelled together. The perfectly working cog ceases to exist. For your business’ sake, it is important that they keep on working together and keep their channels of communication open otherwise you will be into a long comeback. As there will be communication issues and for you to resolve those issues it is important that you organize a group activity that breaks the ice and smooths out rough edges. 


Employees need to be heard

After they have returned back to work in a post COVID environment there is ample need to understand the fact employees’ concerns need to be addressed. You will not get back the perfect employee you hired but the one you will get will need a pat on their back and would require confidence. You must be willing to lend a shoulder to the needs of the employees. So listen to your employee and address their concerns otherwise you can keep on working remotely. 


Accept the employee’s sluggishness

Remote work or work from home will indeed make employees lazy. They will not be dynamic as they once were, it will take time for them to get back to their old self. You need to accept them for what they have become as an old saying goes “the only way is through”. You need to push them to become better but at the same time, you have to accept the fact that it is a time taking process so be patient with what you got.  


Awareness and education is the way forward

Remember since most of the staff would have been in intense lockdown. The need for regular awareness is never lost. You must keep communicating with your team members and your office members about the need to keep following the protocol advised by the government. Sometimes you need to understand that people will be looking to rush towards the “normal” it is your duty to make the people understand that it is not over yet. So make sure that you educate the masses for not leaving the said protocols. 


Be prepared for a few shocks

Coming back from a mass lockdown to openness you can expect a few hiccups irrelevant of the size. Do not scold your team members over it, remember they are also coming back form a major change and shifting back towards the office. So it is only natural that you give them a bit of levy in their approach, ignore the minor mistakes, and try to be patient. At the back of your mind, you need to be ready for a few shocks. There might be a few hiccups that might need dealing with. 



Remember the pandemic has changed the world and also changed everyone. Life as we know it is over. This has been a paradigm shift and it was never going to be easy, the important part is that you keep everyone together “rhetorically”. Also, remember this is only the beginning the real impact of COVID is yet to be seen. So be ready and remember you and your team both will face repercussions. However, these above-mentioned steps can ease a lot of pressure on employees and can help your business get back to usual. 

10 Employee Engagement Activities in Companies

Employee engagement activities aren’t considered as important as they should be. But before you start crunching numbers and coming up with some new activities, know that employee engagement is essentially a mindset. The only way employee engagement activities can yield the desired result is if you keep your focus on the “why” of the issue.  

Don’t just look at the figures and statistics. Treat your employees with empathy because they are humans with their own ideas, thoughts, accomplishment, and problems. They are not just there to make money for your company, they are vital resources that need nurturing in order to deliver satisfactory results. 

Importance of Employee Engagement Activities 

The Importance of employee engagement activities can’t be overstated. They have time and again proven to:

    • Decrease staff turnover rate
    • Improve efficiency and productivity
    • Retain more customers 
    • Increase profits

Most importantly, engaged employees are obviously happier, both in their professional and personal life. Everything done with increased engagement has longlasting effects on the culture of the workplace. 


   See Also: Time Clock Apps for Multiple Employees

Purpose of Employee Engagement 

The main purpose of employee engagement is to attract and retain top talent. Recent research has shown that more than a quarter of employees is at a high risk of turnover. The most worrying part is that one-third of those at risk are talented employees that go above and beyond what’s expected of them. They are eligible for other positions. 

When competition is fierce and the cost of training new employees is sky-high, employee engagement activities become vital. Plus, these activities can directly increase the productivity of a team and take it to the next level. 

How to Engage Employees

Some of the top employee engagement activities include:


  • Involving Employees in Your Business Planning

Have a big meeting with all of your employees every six months or so. Tell them about the most important issues faced by your company and how you plan to address those issues. Take your team on board while making future plans, assessing opportunities, and refining pre-existing business strategies to suit your needs. 


  • Creating an Efficient Knowledge Sharing System

High employee turnover rate means inevitably results in the loss of essential information. One way to avoid it is by creating a kind of knowledge sharing system. It avoids extra cost to some degree and has proven to be a great engagement driver for new hires. 

We recommend implementing a mentorship program that pairs new employees with experienced ones. It will quickly get the new hires up to speed and help familiarize them with the working process of your company.  


  • Showing Them the Financial State of Your Company

Don’t hide your company’s financial record from your employees. Flaunt it and instill your employees with confidence. 

Give a quick presentation at the end of every year or quarter. Show them the fruits of everyone’s efforts, set ambitious goals for the next phase, explain how everyone involved can meet those goals. This eventually becomes a set of activities that keeps the employee engaged and full of purpose. 


  • Creating a Learning Environment

One of the main reasons why employees quit companies is a lack of learning opportunities. They claim that employers always demand more but don’t provide an environment that encourages growth. 

Make it easier for employees to access the required knowledge and development opportunities. 


  • Hyping Upcoming Opportunities

Get your employees excited about upcoming events. Let them know that opportunity is knocking on their door and they better grab it with both hands. You can communicate these opportunities in your internal newsletter, directly, or during the monthly meeting. 

If your employees are optimistic about your company’s future, they’ll ignore those poaching emails from other companies. 


  • Start Your Own Internal Magazine

Create a magazine focused solely on your employees. Fill the magazine with witty columns, news, stories, and opportunities. We’re sure that most of the staff will love to be featured on the cover as Employee of the Month. 

The magazine could be in online or print form. You can even go for both forms; a monthly online and a quarterly print issue. 


  • Encourage Individuals to Take Responsibility

Each and every employee is the hero of their own story. They need to carve out their own career path and set goals for themselves. 

Have your employees write their goals on a piece of paper. Tell them to put the paper in an envelope and seal it. After six months or so, give them the sealed envelopes to let the see if they’ve accomplished their goal. 


  • Always Give Back

Get involved with your local social and charitable initiatives. Giving back to your community helps you get in a positive mindset. It also cultivates pride and loyalty. 

Have your team pitch some causes and start supporting the one you feel most strongly about. Make it your personal mission and not just some hobby. Get your employees involved as well. Let them feel and know that they’re making a difference. 


  • Act on Employee Feedback

Listening to employee feedback is just part of the equation. You won’t be able to build any engagement without actually acting on said feedback and making the necessary changes. 

This doesn’t mean that you should act on feedback from all your employees. Prioritize feedback from your high-performing employees. If they feel like their voice isn’t being heard, they’ll most likely look for other opportunities. 

If you’re not sure who your high-performing employees are, use Staff Timer to monitor and receive daily intelligence reports on employee tasks and projects.  


  • Allow Personalization at the Workplace

When you depersonalize the workplace, you end up dehumanizing your employees. Encourage them to put some personalized items on their desks. Normalize diversity and inclusion. 

In short, create policies that accept different hairstyles and clothing options that reflect their individual beliefs and values. 


  See Also: Task Tracker

Key Takeaways

Employee engagement activities are absolutely worth their weight in gold. There are countless benefits of having engaged employees that believe in what they’re doing and look forward to their day. 

Always remember, satisfied employees means satisfied customers. 

Proven Strategies for Managing Stress in the Workplace

Mental health is becoming one of the most talked-about topics these days. The reason is more and more people are suffering from mental health issues like depression, and chronic stress in the workplace. Both can be different but interrelated, where one can lead to another.

With the rising of the corporate sector and unnecessary expectations or workload have made the workplaces vulnerable. Stress is the major setback for employee’s productibility.

Whenever a person lacks control over the situation with more expectations to meet, it causes them to panic. Unrealistic expectations can add a great deal to our stress levels, too. One can’t expect to find a remedy for the problem without identifying the problem first. 

We need to grapple with stress stimulators first in order to rectify it. Although some stress is natural to the workplace, being over-stressed hinders productivity in a really detrimental way. How to know when one is suffering from excessive stress.

Signs of Stress may include
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Negativity
  • Feeling lackluster
  • Low self-esteem 
  • Alienation, and sense of worthlessness 
  • Feeling ill
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of focus
  • Nervousness 

Everyone’s symptoms and defense mechanisms are different. It can be either fight or flight response, depending on the individual. Some are born warriors they would cope with stressful situations, whereas some will give up the struggle. 

Stress is inevitable with work overload, time management, or difficulty of the task. Its a great hindrance in employee’s productivity. It’s not possible to design one’s work requirements completely in accordance with their desires, preferences, and aptitudes. Still one can find ways to make it as enjoyable and comfortable as possible.


Choose what you love most

The most basic recipe for staying happy at work is to choose a profession and career path that you enjoy most. If you adopted for certain professions because of family’s desires, social status or monetary gains, you are bound to stay unhappy.

So if you are feeling agitated at work then first ask yourself is that what you wanted? It’s very common that a stressed individual will get to hear that ‘why are you so depressed’ whereas many others are part of the same profession as yours, yet happy? 

They fail to identify somebody who chose a medical or legal profession out of passion would be different from someone who joined it for social prestige. So the primary key to workplace satisfaction is to opt for what you love. You will still make money, in fact, financial factors can get disturbed more when you do what you abhor.

Stay away from negativity suppliers

Man is a social animal, and humans rely on other humans for emotional support. But sometimes the very same humans become a source of mental torture for others. They are the bastions of negativity in their surroundings.
If politics start infiltrating any workplace, it might become an emotional burden rather than relief. Maintaining a distance from trouble makers is the only way out. Since the beginning, one shouldn’t be too open to developing new connections or friendships.

Especially one needs to be cautious of ones who open up immediately after knowing you.  There is a peach vs. coconut theory. According to which, there are people who are like peach, soft when you first bite but if you do it imprudently your teeth might hit its hard surface.

These are the ones looking cordial at first but terrible inside. They are more harmful than beneficial. Then there are coconut types. These are the ones who appear rude to many or might be reserved. They are the ones who will give you access after knowing and observing you.

Hard like coconuts from the surface but soft at core. So choose wisely who you befriend at the workplace. Everyone might not be well-wishers. One strategy to reduce stress is building healthy and positive relations.


Being overworked!

Humans are prone to maintain short term attention span, and they might seek diversity while doing the same thing for a long time. Sometimes work expectations exceed human capacity, and they start lagging behind. Besides at times, the workload is not compensated well so many feel disoriented from putting more effort. 

One can always strive to maintain temperament without being too stressed. Taking short breaks in a while can help reduce stress in the workplace. Also, some background music or healthy humor with colleagues can help. 
It’s more fruitful if employers begin to consider that work quality is damaged with being overworked. 

Tasks should be assigned realistically, and whenever there is a compelling need for an increased workload, it should be compensated well. Stressed workforce won’t be able to provide productive output.

Work/Life balance

With prolonged work hours, and excessive workload some can’t manage to strike a balance between their work and family or social life. As a result disturbances in personal life can lead to a lack of productivity in the workforce

Its more relevant for working mothers, who are unable to take part in their children’s activities, or join them for their school events causing them distress at work. There should be the provision of daycare at the workplace, and relaxation to take breaks between work schedules. Not to forget generous maternity leave is a must. A happy employee is the most productive employee.


Some preventive measures to counter stress in the workplace in Scandinavia 

  • Employees are given control over their routine to enhance productivity. Timings, and work conditions that can alter as per their preferences.
  • Tasks are assigned according to the different mental and physical capabilities of employees.
  • The controlled working environment is avoided.
  • Work routine, organization, technology and distribution of hours are designed in a way not to cause strain to staff’s mental or physical health to affect their performance.
  • Workplace encourages variety in work content and social exposure.
  • Work has to build personal and professional development in an individual.

Work models in welfare states like that of Scandinavia and Canada can be an ideal model for other states to follow. 

Adopt healthy life routine

  • Take nutritious and vitamins rich diet to stay energetic. Avoid junk.
  • Sleep well. One major cause of feeling listless at work is lack of sleep.
  • Don’t over commit. Planning too many tasks ahead of time can cause a rush.
  • Take small breaks from work and watch some funny memes and videos to feel refresh.
  • When totally exhausted, take a vacation. Save your leave days for that purpose.

An efficient and healthy workforce is crucial for the stability and progress of any organization. Consequently, it plays part in constructing society as a whole and furthers the development of the state. 

Moreover, work-related stress can be caused by poor work organization,  poor management, unsatisfactory working conditions, and lack of support from employers. It is the responsibility of the organizations to help reduce stress in the workplace.

8 Magical tips for maintaining a Work-Life balance

Adult life is tough. From performing your best in the workplace to taking care of your family, from maintaining a social life outside the office to set aside some me-time – That’s a lot on your plate. It’s often argued that maintaining a work-life balance is super cool when you are a single professional or working from home.

That we have a magic wand, and we have it all covered. In fact, it is not always the case. Married or not, working remotely or not? We always struggle to strike a perfect balance between work and life.  

Either personal or professional...

… everyone deserves a chance to a happy and fulfilling life. Good companies are actively promoting work-life balance. But they still struggle with finding the right opportunities to make it happen. It is hard to reconcile but good leaders are getting there.

To help managers, and employees we have gathered some of the best tips out there. There is no one size fits all, but hopefully, these tips will help you out. 

Communicate your needs

The first thing that employees should do is to be open to their needs. Be able to openly communicate about what matters to them in order to feel balanced and fulfilled, is encouraged. Do you need to leave work early, so you can spend some time with your family? Do you need an hour’s escape to pick up your children from school or attend a music class?  Whatever it is, identify your need, be transparent about it. 

Employees should have an open and honest conversation with their managers about what they want. In return, employers should understand what balance means, what works and whatnot. 


Spend time on things that really matter

Many people spend time on things that don’t really matter.
We are continuously bombarded with endless choices, stuffing our schedules and minds with endless tasks and try to do it all. At times we surrender to the distractions and eventually burn ourselves out just to leave our best lives behind. 

We fail to realize the very essence of time and its value. Time is the one thing, that’s never enough and something that you can’t either buy. So, know your priorities at work and otherwise, scrutinize your day, dedicate time to them and act accordingly. Make time for hobbies, passions, and relationships outside of work, at this very moment.

Elongate your time and try not to fall in the trap of

‘I’ll see or I am going with the flow, or let life take me in the direction it wants’.

The notion is flawed.

Getting work done from Miami

We understand sometimes, employees are too ambitious that they refrain from taking a day off. Ambition is a success but if you feel like you haven’t been able to maintain a good work-life balance in a long time, then we suggest give your mind a rest and work in the comfort of your home for a day. 

Nowadays, many digital devices and AI powered softwares are helping employers to stay connected with their remote employees. Time-tracking tools are helping not only track employee’s productivity but also regularly keeps employers informed about the status of the project. So working from home, while maintaining work progress has become a whole lot easier.  

Know your ‘tech’ limits

Getting hooked on these tech devices disturbs the work-life balance. Sometimes, it’s good to hit the snooze button on your gadget that’s always vibrating. We know it’s the hardest thing to do, EVER! But there’s a first time of everything. Try not to bring your cellphones where not needed.

Let’s say the dinner table, for example. Baby steps, remember? Set the boundaries, and keep on repeating the process until you reach a point where bringing a laptop to the beach seems super weird. 

Once you have unplugged, you will see life for what it is. Spend quality time with your friends and family, engage with things that make you happy.

Making the most out of weekends and vacations

Instead of saving office work to finish over the week-ends, get them out of the way in normal working hours so that you can unwind, Netflix and chill while on Sundays. 

Carve out a few hours to stay away from your screens. Put your digital devices away and do something creative that you really love. Go on a vacation with your family or friends, maybe. This way you’ll be able to fill in your days with something fun and relaxing and also, your mind will be more refreshed and renewed to start the next working day.  

Track your time to make time

Missing out on your tonight’s cello lesson? Our advice: Invest in time-tracking tools. Use a trusted time-tracking tool to track everything from the time spent on each task to overall productivity gain. 

Time-tracking tools give you an understanding of how long a particular task takes. You can easily estimate how long your next work will take and keeps your focus. It will maximize your productivity and work will be done before the deadline. Meaning no spending extra time on projects outside working hours or on holidays. Your family commitments stay intact. A win-win situation!


Enjoy your social life

Take a break, for a moment and give your social life a boost. 
Remember to take time out for yourself. Manage your mind, do meditation or read a book. Go out and spend time with intellectuals. Meet up with your friends over a coffee. Even at work, in your lunch breaks, talk about life instead of babbling about work at work. 

Keeping your social relationships alive is extremely important for your health and well-being.

Our special advice to your HR

Even though many companies have sound HR policies directed towards work-life balance. Yet, we urge employers to examine or update existing work-life balance policies. 

Carefully cater to employee’s work-life balance needs and address any issues that may arise in order to have a healthy and more productive work environment. Flexible working would be one step in this direction. Such policies should be embedded within the culture of organizations!

What are your best tips for work-life balance? Share with us in the comments section below!

5 Simple ways you can Empower Employees at the workplace!

Do you know with great leadership comes great responsibility?  Well, of course, you do!

And one of these responsibilities is giving your employees the autonomy to work, to take initiatives and encouraging them to be the best versions of themselves. We admit, being a leader is not easy, but it is your duty to help your employees without constant micromanagement. Looking beyond employee benefits, there’s a lot that the organizations can do to best support their employees at the workplace.

In rather fancier terms, Empower them! By employee empowerment, you are giving them a chance to make certain decisions on their own, giving them a chance to work independently and most of all giving them a chance to learn and grow! Bottom line is, empowering employees can have ginormous benefits not only to the team but to the company as a whole; it improves accountability, job satisfaction and helps you in finding the solution to all your problems, collectively.

Harvard Business Review conducted a meta-analysis of all available field experiments on leaders empowering subordinates – examining the results of 105 studies, which included data from more than 30,000 employees from 30 countries.

Their study showed that empowering leadership can motivate employees and also, fuels workplace creativity. Empowered employees are happy employees and happy employees are more productive.

Are you interested in the empowerment of your employees? Follow these 5 simple tips and transform your work culture:

Must Believe in Your Employees

According to Steve Jobs  – a force behind leading Apple to corporate success:

“It’s not the tools you have faith in–tools are just tools–they work, or they don’t work. It’s the people you have faith in or not.”

Building trust in your workforce is one of the key factors. Successful business relationships are founded on the sacred principles of trust, and respect.

Without this, the ability to overcome challenges and workplace issues is greatly compromised. There are many reasons why you can not afford to not trust your employees. Trust inspires confidence and confidence leads to success, which helps employees to further their own career and growth. It will make employees more inclined towards taking on new challenges and pushing themselves beyond limits to achieve the best, not only for them but for their organization.

In short, believe in your employees and encourage them to do the same, others will follow.

Inspire Creativity

Do you feel that your employees are not creative enough at work? What are you doing wrong? Business creativity starts with employee creativity! Well, that’s a given. There are many reasons why employees lose their creativity for example not enough resources, lack of autonomy, lack of recognition, so on and so forth.  Now, what you can do to stop that?

Start by accepting their ideas and inputs. Make them a part of an active decision making or even goal-setting. At first, they might face difficulty and hesitation while making a decision on behalf of your team but you learn as you live.

Additionally, it’s not just about decision making, its’ also about finding better ways to accomplishing a task and solving problems, rather than using the same age-old techniques. Encourage your employees to bring creative ideas to the table. Not only, will it help empower your employees, it can also open up doors for many new and innovative ideas that might have the power to lead your company to greatness.

Makes sense, right?

A little appreciation can go a long way!

You have to admit, that we all crave appreciation and recognition in one way or the other. Either it’s work, or not, it’s always helpful to receive some applaud.

Have you ever noticed that we human beings have a tendency to repeat behaviors, good or bad? Similarly, positive feedback reinforces a spark in employees. Showing employees the appreciation for their work well done makes it even more likely that they will continue to be creative, and innovative.

It ensures continued high-quality work in the future as well.

Whether it’s a goal they have achieved before time or a report that was presented flawlessly, let them know when they have done a good job! It doesn’t cost anything.

Autonomy, give your Employees Autonomy!

Do not let your employees view their jobs as simply ‘work for pay’, and nothing more, nothing less.

Employee autonomy is crucial for learning. As a leader, yes it is your job to manage your employees, but instead of worrying about the small details, direct your focus on the goals and strategic objectives of each individual team member. Let them exercise choice and take care of the minute details. Rather than micromanaging, communicate the end-result and then help them build on that.

Bonus: Granting autonomy to employees improves workplace retention!

Have an Open-door Policy

Well-defined open door policy is what every workplace should have and need. No, it doesn’t mean it gives employees an opportunity for continuous complaining and nagging, No.

Maintaining an open line of positive communication with your team is an important aspect of running a successful business venture. It leads to higher job satisfaction and shows employees that you care about what they think. In order to truly empower your employees, carefully listen to their opinions and let them know that they are valued. It will enable them to play an active part in your company.

A simple gesture as this can do wonders!

And the list continues…

The success of organizations depends on the success of its’ employees.

Managers need to understand that empowering employees in the workplace is crucial for companies to thrive.    

The bottom line is, empowering employees at the workplace is about accountability and trust. However, if you follow the ways outlined above, you’ll be able to achieve a healthy workplace.

What have you done in your workplace to empower your employees?

5 Reasons why your Employee Engagement may be spiralling down

“Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.”


Do you have a high employee turnover rate?

Are you facing a difficulty in figuring out what to do about it?

If you thought of ‘yes’ to both of these questions, this article is for you.

If you want your employees to stay, you need to give them a reason.

Imagine this:

You hire employees at the rate of 10 per month but lose them at the rate of 12 per month. All new ones leave within the first two weeks, including two of the older employees.

The very next month, you hire 20 employees and the cycle continues.

Disengaged employees cost organisations between $450 and $550 billion annually, according to The Engagement Institute.

This needs to stop and here’s how you can do it.

Before I dive into the reasons for your company’s downward sloping employee engagement rate, I need you to ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you offer your help to your team?
  2. Do you ask for their advice before taking any major decision?
  3. Have you ever asked your team for guidance on your leadership style?
  4. How far has your team progressed in achieving their goals?

If the answers to one or more of the above questions are negative, don’t panic!

There are many companies that face a difficulty when it comes to retaining their employees.

In fact, according to Globoforce, an estimated 36% of the businesses find employee engagement as a top challenge.  

Over the years, we have gathered enough data from our employees and I bring you these few gems of information that I believe will help your business grow.
Let’s get started!


The gist of the matter is this:

To keep the employee engagement rates stable or always going up, you as a business owner, need to take to care of five major things. 

1. Ignoring causes and criticising effects | Focus on WHY, not the WHAT.
    Figure out why your employees may be underperforming.
    It could be a personal or work-related issue. Try to help them.
2. Dragging and ineffective surveys | Plan out and optimise your feedback process.
    No one likes to spend hours filling out a survey with 100 questions on it.
    Be fair and keep them short and relevant.
3. Focus on actions instead of feelings | Perks are temporary, inner drive is not.
    Giving your employees perks will make them happy temporarily.
    Make sure they are achieving personal and professional goals as well.  
4. Lack of Training and Development | Invest today, reap benefits tomorrow.
    Train your employees. Help them grow with the company.
    Stagnant employee development will greatly hinder the company’s growth.
5. Non-existent or rare employee recognition | Acknowledge employees’ efforts.
    Employees work better when they know they are cared for and appreciated.
    Even a ‘Thank You’ goes a long way.

That’s pretty much it!

Feel free to apply these tips to your business and see the employee engagement rates go up in record time!

Team’s productivity and company’s revenues are bound to see a rise too.