Humans have always been intrigued by stories and folk lures. Ever since the inception of humanity, history has recorded the evolution of storytelling from cave paintings, to live theatres in Rome all the way to the advent of the printing press and Broadway Ave. Films have been a part of human culture for more than 3 centuries now, speaking of which here is how we at the Staff Timer App describe our work from home ever since we have been confined to our homes due to this ‘Never Ending Story’, – yes you guessed it right, we are talking about the Pandemic.
Below is the list of films which best describe work from home situations, these films have been chosen not only for title but for content and also for famous quotes, so let’s get on with it:
Taxi Driver (1976)
Remember Robert Di Nero’s mohawk in the 70’s, probably one of his best performances ever in cinematic history. Now how does it describe work from home? Imagine being in a team meeting on Zoom or Google Hangouts and suddenly the presenter asks a question while you are having a cup of tea or coffee. What are the first lines you say to him: ‘Are you talking to me?’, obviously in a more respectful way. So believe it or not we all become Travis Bickle in a zoom meeting one way or another.
The next one is funny enough and relatable to most remote resources working these days.
Scarface (1983)
Yes Tony Montana in the house, now we at the Staff timer App do not endorse selling or consuming cocaine or any other intoxicating drugs. We all have pets who love us at all times and cannot leave us alone. So whenever we are in a team meeting and little “fluffy” wants to pay us a visit. We all become a sober and less harmful Tony Montana and raise our pet screaming; ‘Say Hello to my little friend’.
Well with these two out of the way we now turn our attention to a film whose title everyone in this day and age knows, no not “Peaky Blinders”, its:
Midnight Cowboy (1969)
Now most of you might not know about this gem of a film but here’s how this represents our lives: exhausting deadlines and never-ending hustles. That’s how! If you do the above mentioned things you are a midnight cowboy. These are strange times when 5 pm has been pushed to 10 am tomorrow.
Time has stretched and trapped us in a loop like ‘limbo’ (introducing a little Christopher Nolan in the list). So we all at this moment are midnight cowboys hustling towards normality and a good night sleep.
This one is my favourite and one cannot be so accurate while talking about work from home and cinematic jewels. This here ladies and gentleman is not only a great explainer of our lives but also a must-watch classic:
The Groundhog Day (1993)
This title is not only a film but an actual holiday, how about that, so why does it represent our lives at the moment? The film basically talks about a time loop where a person is stuck in a certain town in the North of America and is bound to wake up and do the same things over and again until he finally gets everything right. Sounds similar?
Waking up everyday, following the same routine, doing the same jobs over and again from the same place. A little too close to reality if you ask me. But on the bright side groundhog day is a popular American tradition observed in the United States and Canada as a holiday on February 2nd. We all our on holidays, more or less. Aren’t we?
Hard Target (1993)
Remember the Van Dam brothers? One is a wrestler who became a movie star. This action flick is what we go through everyday. A seemingly unachievable goal in the most unrealistic manner ever, a lot like Hollywood. I mean Vin Diesel still is flipping cars. Everyday we receive a mail saying ‘your goals for today’ and at the end there is a little note saying: ‘I know its hard but you can do it’. So we get on our work mode, strain some coffee, put on our Dre Beats and we start the hustle.
Now let’s take a dive in James Cameron blockbuster of the century.
Titanic (1997)
Yes, Di Caprio’s renowned role, one of his greatest ever performances, but you are doing exactly the same. How is it synonymous to work from home though? We are not on a luxurious ship, or on an ongoing journey, or sinking in the middle of the ocean. Not really, no.
However if you see closely, we all are aboard titanic one way or another. When this pandemic started, we were all hopeful that we will win and things will be normal but now it seems we have hit an iceberg and our hopes are sinking. Although there were some survivors in the film, there will be in this scenario too. So let’s not get our hopes down.
So here was our cinematic view of the entire work from home scenario, even if you don’t agree to the list you still have a great bunch of movies to keep you occupied over the weekend. We don’t only track time we keep track of fun too.