Women in Tech | Career challenges and opportunities

The technology sector is a male dominating industry, evidently. But things have come a long way especially for women since the 90s. Even though women were brains behind some serious tech operations during WWII yet, their contributions often go unnoticed.

Not only that there is an alarming level of disparity in tech-based jobs available to women. Generally, progressive societies are offering more equal opportunities for women in tech. Still, gender biases exist worldwide and it doesn’t matter which part of the world it is.

Some important stats show:

Women hold only 5 percent of leadership positions in the tech sector; they make up only 7 percent of partners at the top 100 venture capital firms. More than 30 percent of women over the age of 35 are still in junior positions.

What causes this gender bias?

According to a report, Only 25 % of computing jobs are held by women. The turnover rate is more than twice as high for women than it is for men in tech industry jobs i.e. 41 % versus 17 %. 56 %  of women in tech are leaving their employers mid-career.  12 % of engineers at Silicon Valley startups are women. Similarly, women hold only 11 % of executive positions at Silicon Valley companies.

We can clearly see, males have outnumbered women in the tech industry. There is a massive gap. Gender-based stereotypes are developed from infancy. From color distributions to gender-based toys. Both girls and boys are prepared for different roles. STEM subjects or Computer sciences are labeled as somehow male-oriented professions and not ‘lady-like’. 

As a result, Medical, Educational or Public administration fields are overflowing with women. It doesn’t indicate the incapability of women in the tech world. It just shows how an assignment of social roles based on gender can trap a huge talent from reaching technical fields. 


Women working in tech

How can we reduce the power-gap?

Change can be slow but it’s worth making an effort.  There is a need for prolonged and systematic effort to bring them into the mainstream. Only one out of five Computer Science graduates are women.  Proper mentoring and coaching is necessary.

There are a number of companies losing women employed in tech roles. Why? Because of a lack of proper mentoring, training and development opportunities. It will not only help you to increase the number of women leading but will also help you retain and attract more women to the workplace working together for the greater good.

So many preconceived notions!

There are many assumptions made for female employees right from the hiring process. Just misconceptions! Not all females are facing similar challenges or commitments. Or not every one of them is seeking flexibility or planning family life at the early stages of career. Generally, people don’t leave their comfort zones, approach women employees or colleagues and personally seek insight into their plans ahead. 

Even a professionally ambitious woman might be planning to put her personal plans on halt for a few years, just because she wants to grow and build up her career.  Oftentimes, she is also seen as a potential runner eventually. These biases can put off many committed young women from joining the workforce.

Then there are ones seeking work-life balance!

A married woman with a family has all the right in the world to still seek professional growth and opportunities. All companies need is flexible working conditions that are necessary to attract skillful women into the tech world. They might resist joining any demanding workforce due to their domestic responsibilities. Remote work and flexible working hours should be offered for women to retain them into a workforce.


Fill the gender pay gaps!

Then there is another one, a pay gap between genders or limited opportunities of progress for women. Leading positions in startups globally are heavily occupied by men. Women are still paid less even in 2019.

Some facts:  A woman who is doing the same job as a man, with the exact same qualifications as a man is still paid two percent less. Unfortunately, this controlled wage gap has only shrunk by a minuscule amount of $0.008 since 2015.

There is a growing need for business leaders and HR  to ensure equal pay, equal employment opportunities for all people within their organization including women.

Lower wages or lack of power isn’t the only issue

These reasons are enough to keep women disoriented to join the tech world. Not only that derogatory comments from male colleagues and increasingly reported harassment by supervisors is enough to demoralize many women. Obviously when men are in power then few women paving their way to make a mark have to face subjugation. Since they don’t have many fellow women for seeking support. 

The positive thing: we can see many companies, introducing anti-sexual harassment policies to address this growing issue. 

Is there an immediate solution?

These disparities caused numerous women and minorities to leave, costing Silicon Valley more than 16 billion dollars. Just like the Business world managed to improve its discriminatory practices. The tech industry should review its policies too.

A startup like Muse was an initiative of the all-female teams and established its firm footing in the market. It proved women are equally capable as men only if given opportunity. 

There are many success stories of women starting from Ada Lovelace, a first female programmer to Jade Raymond, Sara Haider and many involved in game development, or holding key positions in tech giants like Google and Twitter. Its proven women can thrive in the tech world only if given a suitable environment. 

5 Strategies to Attract Women in the Workplace

In this 21st century, Gender equality is exceedingly under the spotlight, among industries. Women are profoundly shaping every aspect of work across the globe. Therefore, delivering results at an unprecedented rate in this never-ending race between Men V/S Women. Radically redefining workspaces!

Organizations, on the other hand, are evolving, plowing ahead in bridging the gender gap by eliminating gender-based barriers and supporting a diverse culture. Additionally, companies seem to be changing the way they hire and promote women, with better performance and good business. They are now more inclined towards improving women’s representation no matter the color, cast, or religion they belong to.

There would be no exaggeration to say…

… that we’ve made significant progress in pushing diversity forward, things have taken a turn for the better. Women are increasingly participating in all walks of life and their motivation is beyond comparison.

According to a study, 2019 sees the highest percentage of women in senior management on record, at 29% as compared to last year.

Still, there are many ways in which we can make the workplace a safer and more hospitable place for not only women but for people from diverse cultures.

Let’s take a look at some of these key trends:

Say ‘No’ to Workplace Harassment!

The first and foremost responsibility of the company is to ensure comfort to its female employees. Harassment of any kind should be considered as unwelcomed conduct and should be taken seriously. In short, have a zero tolerance policy!

According to Women in the Workplace 2018 report released by McKinsey & Company and LeanIn.Org., stated that 35% of women have experienced sexual harassment at the workplace in 2018.

What should you do?

Managers, supervisors and human resources, collectively, should deal fairly when they come across any knowledge of harassment within their teams and departments. No matter how minor the issue is, all complaints should be taken into consideration. Appropriate action and prompt investigation should be in place to prevent any kind of retaliation and reoccurrence of such events.

Not only this, companies spend thousands on their creative recruitment practices. What good are these procedures, when they can’t even retain employees? That’s why, the employers have to ensure that the female employees are not facing discomfort and also, regular training should be conducted for male employees in order to explain the severity of this issue.

Having said that, it is mandatory for a company to strictly punish those who are in violation of harassment policies, in order to make a safe working environment for women.

Offer Flexible Work Schedules

Another most important aspect of attracting women to the workplace is flexible work timings. Simply adjusting their timelines, can give them an opportunity to maintain a work-life balance!

Maintaining a professional life with personal can be a bit of a challenge for women all over the world. It becomes intense when their work starts to take over their personal priorities.

Strict timings are actually the main reason that stops women from joining a company.

Be flexible!

If you want to squeeze productivity out of them, then it is your duty to give women the liberty to choose the schedule that favors them. Help them manage their time and effort, by providing comfortable working hours to your female employees. If sometimes, your company is unable to provide the required timings; pay them over-time, facilitate transport and ensure safety.

‘Congratulations, it’s a girl’

Yes, we are talking about Maternity leaves here. Motherhood brings about a lot of changes in a woman’s life!

In order to ease this growing challenge, it’s important for the companies to best support women by providing them with decent maternity leave packages. Because if you can’t support women after having a baby, you probably don’t deserve to utilize their talents to grow YOUR business!

If you want to attract top female talent to your workplace, offer them full salaried maternity and paternity leaves. As it is one of the most effective ways through which you can show concern and commitment to working women and families. Go above and beyond, in promoting gender equality and inclusion at the workplace.  

‘Yes’ to Women Empowerment

Want to attract talented and capable women to your thriving company? Then, initiate ways through which you can empower them.

Include them in decision-making procedures, provide your female employees with company perks, give them growth opportunities, offer exceptional benefits and market competitive wages and give them the tools to succeed.

Make sure that women in your workplace are appreciated and recognized for their work. Promote them as much as your male employees, show them that they are being valued, help them grow their potential and skills.

Women as Future Leaders

Women are the leaders of the future. Companies that are serious about recruiting female talent should make sure that they provide infinite possibilities for women in leadership roles.

With challenges specific to women, such as maintaining a work-life balance, pay gaps, and gender inequality, sometimes hinder their growth.  As s company, you should help them climb up the corporate ladder.

Having women in strong leadership roles is actually benefiting the companies as it brings diversity into teams and enables success.

A Long way to go…

Companies with strong anti-harassment, and equal rights policies and that have taken successful steps to address the imbalance, are progressing towards success every day.

There is so much more that companies can do for their female employees. It’s important that they focus on making small changes, only then can you attract talented women to the workplace.

What steps are you taking for the safe future of women in the workplace?