Some people are born to lead while others need to practice hard at it. For those who want to work hard on different types of management styles, this article is going to be of tremendous help.
There are different styles of management and no one can say only one is right while all the others are wrong. In fact, truly great leaders incorporate different styles in order to make their leadership more effective.
In this article, we’re going to talk about ten types of management styles for effective leadership. So let’s get into it!
The Most Effective Types of Management Styles
The truly honest answer is that no one type of management style is the best for all situations.
The ideal types of management styles should be appropriate, flexible, and effective for all circumstances. As we all know, different situations require different kinds of leadership.
Effective leaders always take a number of considerations before deciding to lead. Some factors that’ll influence your management style include:
- Type of business
- The volume of incomplete work
- Your natural personality and management qualities
- Your staff’s quirks and personalities
After taking all of these factors into consideration, you’ll be ready to take effective action.
Why Learn Different Management Styles
Identifying your own management style or knowing which style works in which situation will have a big impact on the day-to-day business operations.
Here’s how learning different management styles can make you successful:
- You won’t have to rely on trends
- You’ll comprehend how to adapt
- You’ll learn how to engage your employees
- You’ll identify your weaknesses and how to improve them
Different Types of Management Styles for Efficient Leadership
Democratic Management Style
Democratic management style involves taking the point-of-view of staff in company decisions. This type of management style lets your employees know that you respect them and their abilities. It also shows confidence in your own leadership skills.
You won’t have to rule with an iron fist and always be severe with your employees. Your staff will be empowered and you’ll simply have to oversee the direction of your company.
Inspirational Management Style
To inspire people is no walk in the park. But when done in the right manner, it has proven to be very effective.
To practice the inspirational management style, you’ll need excellent people skills, a big heart, and a desire to improve your employees both professionally and personally.
Authoritative Management Style
Most people prefer a democratic management style but sometimes specific situations call for a dictator of sorts. For example, imagine you’re a new manager who needs to bring order to a chaotic office. The best possible approach is to be strict and to take disciplinary action when necessary.
But keep in mind an authoritative management style doesn’t ask you to be rude to your employees.
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Result-Based Management Style
Result-based managers want one thing from their employees: efficiency. They don’t want to hear how things are done as long as they’re done well and in the quickest possible manner.
If employees come up with a better way of doing things then these managers are happy to make changes to the company policy. Only results and output matter in the end.
Collaborative Management Style
The collaborative management style might sound similar to the democratic management style but differs in one major way.
In a collaborative management style, managers don’t just simply ask for a generic vote from their employees—they actively seek feedback from their team members.
Collaborative managers want a genuine thoughtful conversation about their business. This empowers their staff and makes them feel as if they’re an integral part of the company.
Example-Setting Management Style
As the name suggests, managers using this style consistently set an example for their employees to follow. This allows workers to know what kind of standards are being expected of them.
The bar is always set by the manager’s actions and methods. This type of management style can even change the ethics and working style of a working environment.
Strategic Management Style
Strategic managers don’t waste their time on the minute details of day-to-day business operations. They’re concerned about the entire forest instead of just the trees.
These managers are comfortable with letting their assistants oversee most of the daily responsibilities. While staff looks into the everyday mundane work, strategic managers are busy planning the next phase of expansion.
Charismatic Management Style
The charismatic management style—also known as a persuasive management style—depends on the personality of the manager.
In this type of management style, the managers focus on developing personal relationships with their staff and team members. Their employees in return appreciate the fact that their boss is genuinely interested in getting to know them better.
Key Takeaways
Experienced managers will know how to successfully incorporate the above-mentioned types of management styles in their daily activities and tasks.