Infographic: Guilty of wasting Time at work? We all are!

We all are guilty of wasting time at work. Some of us are more than others. But I am sure that none of us can claim to be an angel with no fouls. Wasting time at work is a universal problem that plagues all the organizations around the world. And it results in a loss of billions of dollars! Lots have been spent on research and innovation to minimize the time wasted at work and to come up with tools that help employees in staying more focused.

Why are Employees Wasting Time at Work

It is innate human nature to be lazy and to lose interest after a certain amount of time. But sometimes the circumstances make people more prone to wasting time. These circumstances could be handled and controlled. And in turn, the time wasted at work could be minimized.

Some of the problems that push employees towards wasting more time are the following:

  1. A work environment where there is no break culture makes employees waste time. Employees need to take breaks during work hours and rejuvenate their minds. But if the environment doesn’t allow, they would find backdoors to relax.
  2. If the employees are not happy, they will become a lot less focused. They will feel angry and have harbored resentments. They will be passive aggressive and will waste time as a revenge.
    Slack employee monitoring policies could also result in loss of focus. It gives the employees the liberty to make use of the time as they like. And more often than not, this could result in wasting of time.
  3. Unnecessary meetings and informal socialization at the workplace can result in a lot of wasted time. Water cooler gossip is a common reason why a lot of time is wasted at work.

How to Minimise Waste of Time

There is a lot that the management can do to minimize the waste of time. The most common issues in the workplace that cause time wastage can be easily addressed by the management.

  1. Make your employees happy. Find out why they feel inclined towards non-work related activities. Small acts on the part of the organization make employees happy. For example, a pay raise, good food, a leisure trip—all these efforts can make your employees much more loyal to the organization. And they will tend to be more productive at work.
  2. Take into consideration the human psychological and physical limitations while cultivating the work environment. If you have a culture that is flexible and understands the employee psychology, the employees would become much more productive.
  3. Use the right tools to make your team more productive. By using applications like Time Tracking and Employee Monitoring Software, you can boost the focus of your team and push them towards achieving maximum productivity.

Wasting Time at Work Infographic

Managers can save a tremendous amount of time by using the right employee management strategies. And in turn, an insane amount of money as well.