Proven Strategies for Managing Stress in the Workplace

Mental health is becoming one of the most talked-about topics these days. The reason is more and more people are suffering from mental health issues like depression, and chronic stress in the workplace. Both can be different but interrelated, where one can lead to another.

With the rising of the corporate sector and unnecessary expectations or workload have made the workplaces vulnerable. Stress is the major setback for employee’s productibility.

Whenever a person lacks control over the situation with more expectations to meet, it causes them to panic. Unrealistic expectations can add a great deal to our stress levels, too. One can’t expect to find a remedy for the problem without identifying the problem first. 

We need to grapple with stress stimulators first in order to rectify it. Although some stress is natural to the workplace, being over-stressed hinders productivity in a really detrimental way. How to know when one is suffering from excessive stress.

Signs of Stress may include
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Negativity
  • Feeling lackluster
  • Low self-esteem 
  • Alienation, and sense of worthlessness 
  • Feeling ill
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of focus
  • Nervousness 

Everyone’s symptoms and defense mechanisms are different. It can be either fight or flight response, depending on the individual. Some are born warriors they would cope with stressful situations, whereas some will give up the struggle. 

Stress is inevitable with work overload, time management, or difficulty of the task. Its a great hindrance in employee’s productivity. It’s not possible to design one’s work requirements completely in accordance with their desires, preferences, and aptitudes. Still one can find ways to make it as enjoyable and comfortable as possible.


Women touching a screen

Choose what you love most

The most basic recipe for staying happy at work is to choose a profession and career path that you enjoy most. If you adopted for certain professions because of family’s desires, social status or monetary gains, you are bound to stay unhappy.

So if you are feeling agitated at work then first ask yourself is that what you wanted? It’s very common that a stressed individual will get to hear that ‘why are you so depressed’ whereas many others are part of the same profession as yours, yet happy? 

They fail to identify somebody who chose a medical or legal profession out of passion would be different from someone who joined it for social prestige. So the primary key to workplace satisfaction is to opt for what you love. You will still make money, in fact, financial factors can get disturbed more when you do what you abhor.

Stay away from negativity suppliers

Man is a social animal, and humans rely on other humans for emotional support. But sometimes the very same humans become a source of mental torture for others. They are the bastions of negativity in their surroundings.
If politics start infiltrating any workplace, it might become an emotional burden rather than relief. Maintaining a distance from trouble makers is the only way out. Since the beginning, one shouldn’t be too open to developing new connections or friendships.

Especially one needs to be cautious of ones who open up immediately after knowing you.  There is a peach vs. coconut theory. According to which, there are people who are like peach, soft when you first bite but if you do it imprudently your teeth might hit its hard surface.

These are the ones looking cordial at first but terrible inside. They are more harmful than beneficial. Then there are coconut types. These are the ones who appear rude to many or might be reserved. They are the ones who will give you access after knowing and observing you.

Hard like coconuts from the surface but soft at core. So choose wisely who you befriend at the workplace. Everyone might not be well-wishers. One strategy to reduce stress is building healthy and positive relations.


Being overworked!

Humans are prone to maintain short term attention span, and they might seek diversity while doing the same thing for a long time. Sometimes work expectations exceed human capacity, and they start lagging behind. Besides at times, the workload is not compensated well so many feel disoriented from putting more effort. 

One can always strive to maintain temperament without being too stressed. Taking short breaks in a while can help reduce stress in the workplace. Also, some background music or healthy humor with colleagues can help. 
It’s more fruitful if employers begin to consider that work quality is damaged with being overworked. 

Tasks should be assigned realistically, and whenever there is a compelling need for an increased workload, it should be compensated well. Stressed workforce won’t be able to provide productive output.

Work/Life balance

With prolonged work hours, and excessive workload some can’t manage to strike a balance between their work and family or social life. As a result disturbances in personal life can lead to a lack of productivity in the workforce

Its more relevant for working mothers, who are unable to take part in their children’s activities, or join them for their school events causing them distress at work. There should be the provision of daycare at the workplace, and relaxation to take breaks between work schedules. Not to forget generous maternity leave is a must. A happy employee is the most productive employee.


Some preventive measures to counter stress in the workplace in Scandinavia 

  • Employees are given control over their routine to enhance productivity. Timings, and work conditions that can alter as per their preferences.
  • Tasks are assigned according to the different mental and physical capabilities of employees.
  • The controlled working environment is avoided.
  • Work routine, organization, technology and distribution of hours are designed in a way not to cause strain to staff’s mental or physical health to affect their performance.
  • Workplace encourages variety in work content and social exposure.
  • Work has to build personal and professional development in an individual.

Work models in welfare states like that of Scandinavia and Canada can be an ideal model for other states to follow. 

Adopt healthy life routine

  • Take nutritious and vitamins rich diet to stay energetic. Avoid junk.
  • Sleep well. One major cause of feeling listless at work is lack of sleep.
  • Don’t over commit. Planning too many tasks ahead of time can cause a rush.
  • Take small breaks from work and watch some funny memes and videos to feel refresh.
  • When totally exhausted, take a vacation. Save your leave days for that purpose.

An efficient and healthy workforce is crucial for the stability and progress of any organization. Consequently, it plays part in constructing society as a whole and furthers the development of the state. 

Moreover, work-related stress can be caused by poor work organization,  poor management, unsatisfactory working conditions, and lack of support from employers. It is the responsibility of the organizations to help reduce stress in the workplace.

Business Goals for Start-ups: What You Need to Know

We are living in the age of mushroom growth of start-ups.  Out of which few succeed and make their mark. Why is that the case? Here we have defined some business goals for start-ups

Goals are what define a journey

One needs to set realistic goals while planning a startup. Running is good as long as one knows the destination, without that its a waste. That doesn’t mean one should not be ambitious, in fact, ambition is a key element for success. Also when you create a team, they should be as passionate as yourself. But then what are realistic goals, and how to set them? 

What’s in demand?

Before starting any business, the most rational approach to see what’s lacking in the market? For instance, when researchers choose a thesis topic, they look out for the research gap. So a study is produced that is not merely there to get readership. Besides what’s its significance? Which means is there a need for it? And does readership seeks to know about it? Will it benefit from solving a problem? 

The same rules apply to startups.  One needs to research market tendencies to know if there is a demand for the said product? It requires extensive research to know what service is lacking in the market and needs to be supplemented. Or maybe it exists but demand is larger than supply. 

Success Stories

Many successful startups revolve around this idea. There were cabs but no cab service at doorstep. Careem and Uber were successful in making their mark by studying this trend. Airbnb’s founders faced difficulty in renting an apartment with a shortage of funds.

It struck them that there is no service provider for short term or affordable rentals in the market. Therefore, they created this startup that has grown into billions of dollars worth giant now. There was no startup offering online legal streaming of movies, so Netflix easily took over the market and set up its own platform that is giving a tough time to even cinemas.

No Time or space limitation

These startups; Airbnb, Careem, Uber, Dropbox, Netflix, and Facebook, etc spread around the world. They targeted something that wasn’t time-wise or geographically restricted. That is another factor of success if you are targeting something that is in short term demand, or within certain areas or regions. Such targets are bound to fail or succeed in the short term only. So business crucial! 

Marketing Strategies

It’s not money that works as a decisive factor, but shrewd strategies that sell the brand. Dropbox rose to billions of dollars worth with Referrals policy. Even though it was in decline and suffering more loss than profit. They adopted a referral strategy. It became easier to send invites through every social media site including, Facebook, Gmail, or twitter. The right technique facilitated the process. 

Another strategy was to use social media influencers to enhance the product’s community trust. It’s always expensive to use celebrities as brand ambassadors let alone hiring them for newly formed startups. Social media influencers came as saviors.

With less money and huge followings, they could inspire many to buy the product. Airbnb threw a huge party in London, invited all major influencers as guests, who live-streamed the party thus their brand reaches out to thousands in one night. This way one event saved them millions of dollars from being wasted at a generic media campaign. 

Digital Marketing is another strategy where we can do marketing on different platforms. By approaching Digital Marketing Companies, they do give us a brief view of the marketing tactics and will bring brand awareness of a product to the public.

Strong social media presence

Other than hiring influencers, there has to be a strong social media presence in every major networking site. Strength alone won’t suffice, it has to be coupled with an interesting presentation. Brands, in order to reach their audience, need to have a  captivating presence on a Youtube channel, Instagram, Medium or advertising the product.

Merely posting about products can’t suffice unless it’s packaged with appealing presentation. Besides the general public is more subscribed to social media than the mainstream one. 

Some nice video interviews of satisfied customers won’t harm! 

Teamwork and consistency

One of the most striking features of any successful startup is to build a strong team. It won’t make sense that you are ambitious for your goals while your team members don’t share your vision. They have to be committed to the brand’s vision. Hire individuals based on skills and interests. 

Nothing would work without consistency though! If your message and brand strategies aren’t consistent, you will lose credibility in customers. Minor reforms are bound to occur, but change should be gradual, not abrupt. A simple word of mouth, at times, prove to be enough for destroying a brand’s repute. 

Increasing productivity by saving time

For any emerging startup time management can save hefty sums of money. But how? Time monitoring was a real challenge back then. Founders used to end up as either overpaying or underpaying employees, not sure who worked more diligently.

They didn’t even know how much workforce they need to hire for the execution of a certain task. But nowadays it has been made a lot easier by time monitoring software. So opting for the right technology is decisive for the success of any business startup. 


Recipe for the success of any business startup is embedded in its marketing strategies, and that can be done with the limited financial budget as well. All that is needed is a genius mind with a disciplined and passionate team. Funds shall kick in.