Staff timer Blog

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Time Tracking

Employee Time Tracking with Screenshots! Is it really needed?

6876 4 minutes

With every passing day and a step closer to becoming more technologically advanced every day, newer ideas and technologies are making their way into the Corporate..


Proven ways to track employee’s productivity in today’s world

6353 6 minutes

Productivity is the buzz work of current times. Many people are trying to be more productive in their personal lives. Many more are trying to enhance their work productivity.

Time Tracking

Why do you need a Time Tracker for Work?

5800 8 minutes

Using a Tracker tool sounds annoying! Do you really need a Time tracker for work? Are the bosses being unreasonable and irrational with their demands of using a Time Tracker?

Time Tracking

Undeniable advantages of using an Employee Monitoring System

6715 5 minutes

Employee Monitoring is a multifaceted phenomenon. From the employers’ perspective, it is a way of enhancing the productivity. From the employees’ perspective..


Top 3 Time Tracking Apps for Remote Workers

6612 5 minutes

Many people around the world have welcomed the trend of Remote Work. It is exciting, it is diverse and it is a great experience. Thanks to the innovative tools..

Time Tracking

Why is Employee Motivation more Important than ever?

7552 4 minutes

Motivation is an abstract entity. It is the stimulus that triggers actions in individuals. It is the driving force that has been responsible for all the wonderful advancements..


Proven and Simple ways of Effective Team Communication

6209 4 minutes

Today, Human Resources are the most important kind of resources an organization holds. Fortunately, most organizations acknowledge this fact and work..